Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Wood Floors, Round Two!!!

It's amazing how fast as a person I forgot the hard work that went into re-doing our new hardwood floors. As we prepped Crystal's old place and made a list of what had to be done, we came to the question of the hard wood floors. Her old floors had seen 7+ years of foot and paw traffic and needed some kind of work. The only question was, would we do it ourselves or would some kind of allowance be offered to the potential buyer?

Needless to say with some of us being doers and us wanting to do anything to increase the chance of selling we decided to do it. Here is what we started with.

This next shot is after a good hard weekend of three people and one hot pregnant lady sanding.

We still have yet to get a shot of the floors fully stained and protected as we discovered this Monday that one more coat of Varathane (think protective clear coat) needs to be applied.

Tons of hard work went into getting the floors to the point they are at in the above shot. A huge debt of gratitude is owed to the people in this shot. Momma Teri a.ka. the cord holder/electrician and my Dad a.ka. "I just need to hit this spot one more time" Case. Without them both of these floor projects wouldn't have been possible. Their know how and drive to re-do the floors and do them right. Their sense of humor. But most of all their all around support. you two rock and I'll never be able to put into words how much I appreciate you both.

Oh and don't worry Crystal and I did some work too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow what a very nice floor, and also how sweet you are.... I hope you will post more and thank you for sharing.