Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Garden Adventure

Crystal has been wanting to get a garden started in our gigantic back yard. This entails doing a few things and a little building too. So last Sunday when we decided to take a day off we decided to take an evening trip up to Home Depot in Sherwood. Which by the way we now go to way to often. We go up there so often I recognize the workers and know who is working which shift. I hang out with these guys more than my friends.
So anyways, on our day off our goal was to get the materials needed for building raised garden beds. Crystal had done a good amount of research online and knew what we needed to build them in our backyard. We grab a flat bed cart and begin grabbing lumber, our lumber haul consisted of 12, 8 foot 2x6's and 2, 8 foot 4x4's.

Having transported a good amount of trim in Crystal's Hyundai Elantra we figured if we could fit 8 foot pieces of trim in her car, we could fit all of the above lumber with no problems.

Oh how wrong we were. Not until checking out and actually getting out to the car do we realize how truly screwed we were. I had serious doubts about getting it all to fit. After about 20 minutes of twisting and turning, two individuals walking by and laughing, we finally got all of the wood to fit. Although it wasn't an ideal situation, we were able to make it home. Needless to say it was a little cold on the way home.

On the way home Crystal at one point forgot that the lumber was sticking out of the passenger side window and looked at me like I was crazy for having the window down. She even had her hand on the window control for my side and was about to roll it up.
A cold ride it was, but we got it all home in one trip!

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