Friday, January 21, 2011

I'm SEW excited!

With Brandon moved into the new garage office, I'm working on making the office inside the house a fun and creative space for myself.  Brandon got me an amazing quilters table for Christmas and we finally got it put together this week. It's awesome, thanks Brandon for getting it and putting it together! I can't wait to get the space organized to start sewing fun projects asap.

I got a six cube storage shelf to start getting things organized. I am sharing the space with Hunter too so we put up her tent and I got her some fun animal storage boxes. You can see them in the background of the first picture below. We now have space to paint too!

I have to share this space with my computer desk since it'll be my work space when I go back to work in a few weeks. That desk is a disaster area, will post more pictures of the finished room soon. I'm going to paint one wall with diamonds (argyle pattern) but still deciding on colors... thinking about green and turquoise.

Here is Hunter's first masterpiece from our creative space. It's a dragon. :)

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Thanks PJ! It'll be hard to not roll my chair over to my sewing table when I get annoyed with work. ;)
I'll be back Feb 1st, too soon!