Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Leo finally arrived!

Last Thursday I went in to see if I could hold out longer for an induction and they found that my placenta fluid was too low so they wanted to induce that night. Our midwife decided to try a cervical softening agent before they pumped me full of nasty pitocin and it worked!!! Only three hours of hard labor and he was out. I opted out of meds, although was demanding in the final minutes of birth where of course it was too late. It was amazing to experience it all natural though, after having to be induced with Hunter. It hurt, but I wouldn't take any of the pain back after going through it. Brandon was an amazing coach to help get me throught it.

We have had a few minor issues after birth, but both Leo and I are doing great and we're working together to figure this whole breastfeeding out. Amazing how much you forget only after a couple years. :)


Grandma Dorrie said...

you done good honey they are beautiful children. Hunter loves her little brother. the pictuers are adorable. The one with the two of them on the bed is precious.

Manda B. said...

Wow wow wow. Very crazy stuff! Sweet story. Glad to hear everyone is good & healthy. Props to both of you for remaining strong without meds!

PJ said...

Finally got a chance to review your posts. What amazing photos! The one of Hunter and Leo on the bed is so adorable :o)