Sunday, June 13, 2010

Wisconsin Train Trip - Part 1 of 3

We started off our on Wisconsin adventure on May 18th, a Tuesday afternoon from Portland train station. We were smart to get a sleeper car as it was such a different experience than the times I've taken coach to Wisconsin. We had our own privacy, beds to lay out at night and all our meals were included! Our very own picture window, and as you can see, it was gorgeous the whole way.

When Hunter got bored of looking out the window she kept herself busy with all her toys we carried with us. She never did quite get her train legs and had a few bumps and bruises by the time we got to Wisconsin, two days later.

It was so awesome to spend that time with her. She's too darn cute.

Playing in my suitcase early in the morning.

She was able to get her resting time in too, even with all the motion.

On the way home it was just Hunter and I, and we were stuck riding coach. Sleeper cars were all booked. And without Brandon (he flew home) with us, it made it a much more challenging trip. Not a lot of privacy and it was all me. We had alot of fun, but the ride home definitely had many frustrating moments and a sore back from Hunter taking up the chairs at night.

We spent a lot of time putting stickers everywhere, I mean everywhere! On the windows...

Which had some amazing views! Going through Glacier National Park was awesome.

She put stickers on her dolly...

And even all over her dvd player.

My Mom was nice enough to let her bring some trains and cars with us to put in her new purse from Walgreens (had to stock up on new entertaining toys!). We were sitting at a table in the observation cart in this picture. We did a lot of walking back and forth from our chairs to this car.

The train in itself was a whole vacation time totally almost four days of being on it. But it was awesome and worth it. Next time, sleeper car for both ways. :)

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