Sunday, February 28, 2010

RIP Henna the Hen

Things have been busy busy the last month. It'll take me a few posts to get caught back up on all the fun stuff that has happened lately but I am going to get the bad news out of the way.

Sadly one of our chickens, Henna, was killed two weeks ago. We think it was a raccoon but we're not sure, it appears to have happened in the early evening when we were both gone. I noticed the next morning when I looked out to see the girls and I saw piles of feathers all around the yard. I won't go into details, but it seemed like a pretty bad death and thanks to Brandon for taking care of the body. Clarice survived by hiding under the shed. I feel terrible because for the last six months I haven't been going and locking their run and who knows if I had been locking it up if she would have been attacked. They just go in their hen house like clock work from dusk til dawn and we have never seen a raccoon around the neighborhood.

She was less than a year old. :( Here's a little picture montage of her time with us.

Hunter loved feeding the girls on the nice days in the last month.

Ever since it happened, Clarice has been sleeping in the garage either on the dog couch or on a shelf. She hasn't layed any eggs since the incident. Thinking we'll be getting her a new buddy soon. Her and Henna were so close. Poor girl.

(Yes, the dog couch can get nasty, but that's why it's a dog couch in the garage. :)

Henna and Clarice used to perch up on the swing structure, now Clarice is all alone. :(

Some nights Clarice will sit in the garage at the cat door and stare in at us whining (as close as a chicken whine I've ever heard) wanting to come inside and hang out with us. She's definitely a weird chicken. In the next month we're going to revamp their chicken run to be bigger so we can keep them in it while we're away and of course get her a new buddy.

1 comment:

Manda said...

what a bummer. Sorry to hear that. RIP Henna~