Tuesday, December 29, 2009


We got some snow today, it was too exciting! As soon as the first few snowflakes dropped Brandon and I ran to Bi-mart and bought some sleds. Hoping it doesn't melt so we can hit the slopes at the farm this week.

The chickens weren't too happy about the snow. Henna is actually roosting tonight under the back patio instead of in her coop. She's right outside the window, watching us. Kinda creepy.

Hunter sledding for the first time!

Brandon pulled her around the front yard for awhile and every time she came back around from a loop she'd say "More" and do the sign for it. We (Brandon, myself, Mark and Teri) were all standing around with the biggest grins in awe of her adorableness.


She had to show off her new Pink Floyd shirt from Grandma and Gramps. Soon to come is a Daddy/Daughter duo shot with their Floyd shirts. :)

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