Sunday, June 21, 2009

We luffs

June 6th was our 1 year anniversary of being married and our 2 year anniversary of being a couple. In that time we've sold a house, bought a house, got married and had a baby. Wow. We definitely went on the fast track with things, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. I love Brandon with all my heart and Hunter is just freakin amazing. My new family is what I've always wanted and I feel so lucky and fortunate to be surrounded by such love. Brandon and I have had our ups and downs and we'll continue to have them as we grow together. I'm really looking forward to our wedding celebration next month so we can share our love with our close friends and family. I just wanted to thank all our family and friends who have been there for us in our hard times and in our great times in the past year. Thank you.

Enough mushy stuff, onto the fun pictures!

For our anniversary we had a nice day planned of picnicing out in wine country (so pretty just about anywhere you go 5 minutes outside of Newberg) and maybe a little wine tasting. Brandon ended up having to work almost all day (it was a Saturday)! We had to change our plans to a dinner and a lovely drive out into the country. Thanks to Grandma T for watching Hunter! We went to Golden Valley Brewery for dinner in McMinnville. We were both so sleepy after dinner we decided to chug some redbulls to stay awake and make it a fun night.

We found a really cool barn on the drive and got out to do some investigating. We'll never tell what we found inside.

We tried to get a picture of the barn behind us, but we failed, still a cute picture though, I think.

The mini was barely visible in the grass. We were being stealth, kinda like ninja's, but without the face masks.

Then we went to Mark's office to play some pool and hang out. We turned on some dance music and partied hard (not really about the partying, but we did attempt to dance). Brandon beat me at pool, no big surprise there.

I was too busy finding fun stuff to get my picture taken with anyways.

Oh and we took a tour of Teri's Airstream that she's remodeling.
Don't worry Teri, I didn't really go to the bathroom.

The shower is too small! And to think, I recently got obsessed with moving into a trailer temporarily to pay off some debt. Ha! I still would though.

That's us standing in the shower.

It was a great one year anniversary, nothing fancy, but us together, having fun, having a few hours of just us. Those are rare to come by. Next year we won't have a million things going on and we can go away to some tropical location. It's called Wisconsin. Heh. It won't be quite tropical in June yet, but we're planning an Amtrak train trip back to visit my family and show Brandon where I grew up. Hunter's first train trip!

1 comment:

HollyA said...

Congrats! You guys are old married farts. But, you smell better.