Sunday, May 17, 2009

Bring on the chickens!

I have quite a few things to get caught up onto the blog but I'm tired and have to be up early, so for now, here is the finished chicken run!! We bought the chicken coop and decided to build our own attached run. I drew up the plans and then with a kickstart help from Teri on the frame I made the whole thing by myself! I'm pretty impressed actually, but we'll see how it stands up over time. Heh.

The guy we bought the coop from said that chickens aren't too smart to find a small door hole so I made the whole end of the run the door that flips up on hinges. :)

And of course I have to share a cute pic of Hunter from this afternoon. Cecilita (siamese kitty in background) and Hunter are the best buds. Cecilita follows her around EVERYWHERE! I think if she could sleep with her she'd jump up in the crib. It's really cute.

1 comment:

grandma Dorrie said...


very cool coop they will be living in a high rise. Can't wait to see the chickens.

Give Hunter a kiss for me. She is growing so fast.

Love ya
