Sunday, May 24, 2009

3-day weekend project

With the wedding celebration coming up in July, lots of things left to do in preparation. One thing Mark and Teri wanted done at the farm was to fix their septic system. It's been a "shitty" problem for awhile. ;)

In case you were wondering how a Septic system works, I found this pretty little diagram that was helpful for me to understand. The inside pipes go to a Septic Tank (where the solids collect) and then that tank has pipes running out of it that disperse the water/waste into the ground.

We took advantage of the three day weekend to fix theirs. The cost to have someone else fix this is ridiculous so the boys thought they could tackle it themselves. This is the scene of the crime... The cement slab is the septic tank.

After accessing the situation and realizing the old pipes were toast, they decided instead of backbreaking labor to dig around and out the old pipe, they went and rented a backhoe.

Ted and Ruby joined the party too!
Here I think Brandon and Mark are trying to determine who's poop is floating by. :) Just kidding, they are awesome for figuring out how to do all this.

They got a ways onto the trench on the first day and picked up all the new materials for it.

Brandon did have to show off his really white g-side when posing next to all the Infiltrator equipment.

This was Mark doing his best impression of that bit in a Austin Powers movie where he is trying to back up and forward out of a tiny spot, although Mark wasn't in a tiny spot. :) (He was still trying to learn how to use the tractor)

The next day the digging was even further along, good work Mark!
While Mark was doing that we took a few things down to the bridge on the tractor. Well, Brandon did, Hunter and I jumped off after it seemed a tad bit dangerous only having one hand to hold onto her.
But I think that's enough about poop and one-man tractors, here are some cute Hunter pics!!

1 comment:

green acres girl said...

austin powers!!! nailed it!!!