Thursday, February 5, 2009

Seis Meses (6 months!)

Hunter is now eating solid foods a few times a day. She's loving it!

Okay, maybe she doesn't look that excited in the picture, but we'll get some more good ones up here of her eating soon. So far she's had avacado (which she wasn't a huge fan of), Sweet Potatoes (LOVED them!) and Carrots (could give or take them). This week she's getting cauliflower.

I decided I wanted to make all her food so I've made those few batches of food and while it's definitely very time consuming, it sure feels great to know she's just getting the vegetables and no other additives.

I steam the veggies, then run through the food processor (we have a bigger one, just starting out with using the little one), then mash through a fine strainer to get the baby food smoothness.
Here is my little setup of making the sweet potatoes...

We survived the whole month of January without buying anything new (if you recall our resolution for that) except for that fine strainer pictured above and a 1 gig memory card. Other than that, if we wanted something we looked for it used or just went without. I'm shooting to go another month too! Although this month I want to buy a rug for Hunter's room and I'm not too sure I want to buy that used...

Anyways, back to cute pictures. Tonight was bath night and she's really loving spending time in the water! Isn't she adorable! If I knew there weren't any pervs out there on the internets I'd share with you the cuteness of her baby butt, it's so cute you want to pinch it and not in a gross way!

My friend Angie and her man Matt came out to visit last weekend (we forgot to get pics!) and they got Hunter the snazziest bath towel she can use for many years to come. She's loving being wrapped in it in Daddy's arms!
Hunter has now graduated to using her stroller as a big girl and not in the carseat that set in the stroller. Yay!

And we can't forget to include pictures of the crazy animals in this house. Here is Cooper in one of his regular evening time positions (most of the time he's got his head smashed into the dog bed snoring loudly) , but this time he pinned down Cora (not really) and then Cecil decided that his head would make a good pillow.

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