Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hunter's awesome costumes

The part about baby's that no one tells you is that you totally get to exploit them for your own entertainment. Haloween is one of those holidays when you can totally take advantage of your new little one and have a little family fun. The hardest part of this whole event was choosing which adorable costume to put her in. We had a total of five costumes, three of which were hand me downs, one was an eBay purchase made by Crystal, and the final one was a hand made Princess Leia costume.
The eBay purchase was made probably a month early and ended up being a little big for Hunter. It defintley doesn't detract from the cuteness, in fact it probably adds a little.

The little head kept falling over her eyes and made it look more like the dinosaur costume was eating her as opposed to her actually wearing it.

Although cute defintley doesn't win the award for coolest costume ever. That honor belongs to the Princess Leia costume hand made by Ruby and Teri (thank you both so much!)

I never thought I would be so proud so soon, but this moment almost brought a tear to my eye (well not really)
Here you can see Crystal is happy to see the nerd in Hunter already shining through.
Hunter basking in the glory of being dressed in a Princess Leia costume and being on Star Wars sheets. Who wouldn't smile in that position? And of course feigning surprise at all the bright lights and pictures being taken.

And the final close up.


Anonymous said...

ah! very adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to see you're raising a TOTAL nerd. Very cute.