Saturday, October 4, 2008

She'll be crawling in no time!

We've been putting Hunter on the floor to get her into crawling mode and she's doing great. Her legs are strong and she's trying to move herself forward. I'm sure it'll be awhile, but it's still a good start!

She can lift her head up and turn it every now and again, those neck muscles are getting built up!

She loves to stand up too!

If you look closely in this picture, I think she thinks she's a pirate! Her little finger is making a hook motion. :)

Oh and last week she got to meet another baby friend, Mia. Brandon's buddy Derrick and wife Nicole just had a 2nd child July 24th, so Hunter and her are pretty much the same age. Mia is a bit chunkier than Hunter, she's adorable.

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