Friday, October 24, 2008

Changing of the Guard

Crystal and I have offically switched positions. Even though Hunter doesn't like nursing off of me for some reason we seem to be getting along pretty well. She has learned some new tricks thanks to the rigourous training program I've setup for her.
I like to call this the look and grab. She has been focusing on objects and grabbing for them even holding and tugging. The next one I like to call the Chopper Stare, eventually to be perfected in the Chopper Pet.

The next one Crystal and I have dubbed Tummy Time, but Hunter came up with her own variation on this one. I like to call it Melt Daddy's heart

We've also been taking advantage of this great weather and have been taking walks daily. I've also introduced her to the beauty of Pink Floyd: Darkside of the Moon and a wide range of classical music.

1 comment:

Angela Higgins said...

She is adorable! I like the Melt Daddy's Heart face ;-)