Friday, September 5, 2008

Photo fun time!

Brandon went back to work this week so I have a little time on my hands during the day with Hunter. I thought I'd take the time to do a little photoshoot with her and her cowboy boots that Bethany got her.

This one is my favorite, the boots are a bit big for her still but I think she was digging them...

Here she looks like she's born to be a cowgirl with her hands ready to grab those reins and go...

Here she wanted to lose the boots and go more natural...
She was having fun with the photo shoot, here she even gives me a little bit of a smile...

Here she kind of does a little dance...

And here I think she might be telling me she's done taking pictures...

And here is where I needed to put the camera down and really be done... at least until next time...


Anonymous said...

Hunter is sooo adorable. She is really growing. I hope to be able to come and see you're new family.
I miss you so much. You are going to be a super mom. It looks like Hunter already has her daddy wrapped around her little finger. She is a super special little girl.

Love you guys,


Anonymous said...

let me say this: that first picture of Hunter and her boots is freaking HILARIOUS. i can't stop laughing.

too funny!