Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Our baby genius

Well, she may not be a genius, but at 7 weeks she's smiling a lot...

She's flirting with the camera...

She's checking out her limbs...
She's getting attacked by her hand...
She's pondering the meaning of life...

She's able to have a straight face while wearing a ridiculous pink getup that has bunnies and the word Bunny all over it...

She can already curl her lip...
She's looking freaking ridiculously cute...

More ridiculous cuteness...
And she is sleeping like an angel...

(seriously, she's sleeping almost 5 and 6 hours in the night, that makes us reeeeeallllly happy and not as tired!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow she has such personality and is adorable. She can curl her lip and she is smiling so big. I can not wait to see her. I will let you know. You guys are doing a great job. She is soooo super cute. I can not wait to see her up close and personal
love you guys