Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Baby eyeballs!

For those who wanted some more up close and personal Hunter photos, here ya go!

She loves it when her daddy gives her head rubs!

Can you believe she's two months old tomorrow!! Crazy...

The gift that keeps on giving!

My long time (like 13ish years, wow, I'm getting old!) and super awesome friend Tiff came up for the weekend from Austin, Texas. Hunter instantly fell in love with her of course!

She had the coolest gift for Hunter that we spent most of the weekend working on. Finger puppet theatres!!! She brought up a ton of cool finger puppets and we built two different theatres for them. We used a large TV box (thanks for the TV again Mark and the box was useful too!) and each set is about 2 1/2 ft tall and 3 ft wide.

Chopper helped in the process of making them...

We didn't end up completely finishing them, so the video footage of our finger puppets in action will have to come later, but we decided to still take our pictures in them so everyone can see them. This is the aquarium one, we tried to get Hunter to make a fish face too, but she wasn't in the mood.

Here are both of them, and the back drops are laying in front of them. Brandon is a fish, Hunter is still not in the mood for fish faces, and I'm being an angry animal in the jungle.

These are going to be so fun to play with for years to come!! Before Tiff left though she had to do a little puppet show for Hunter with the seahorse and shark. I did get that on video, just need to figure out how to get video off my video camera. (I'm pathetic, I've had the thing for like five years and still haven't taken any footage off it!)

We did a ton of things on her visit, like go to a Lavender farm, wine tasting, walked around Newberg, toy shopping, watched the Little Mermaid, trampled around the farm, breakfast at Ruby's and so much more.
Saturday night we went to our friend Brad's after a stop by Manda and Woody's BBQ. At Brad's there was another baby who was 4 months old and HUGE! Tiff had to hold on to him just to see how heavy he was. :) But this was Hunter's first greeting of another baby, as you can see she was pretty indifferent towards him.

Just ignore the weird drawing behind the babies, not sure what was going on there. :)

Thanks again Tiff for an awesome present and an awesome visit! Miss you already!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Our baby genius

Well, she may not be a genius, but at 7 weeks she's smiling a lot...

She's flirting with the camera...

She's checking out her limbs...
She's getting attacked by her hand...
She's pondering the meaning of life...

She's able to have a straight face while wearing a ridiculous pink getup that has bunnies and the word Bunny all over it...

She can already curl her lip...
She's looking freaking ridiculously cute...

More ridiculous cuteness...
And she is sleeping like an angel...

(seriously, she's sleeping almost 5 and 6 hours in the night, that makes us reeeeeallllly happy and not as tired!)

Two weeks ago

Wow do I take a lot of pictures!! I found a few from a couple weeks ago that I thought were cute...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Silvercreek Falls hike

Last saturday we took a hike up at Silvercreek falls about an hour away from Newberg. It was a gorgeous day with lots of people out there. We took a pretty long loop and the incline back up was brutal. Let's just say I was a little sore for a few days later from the hike, but it was great exercise.

Here we are at the beginning of the hike, too bad we didn't take pictures of us afterwards, I was drenched in sweat, it was hawt. I got to carry Hunter in the sling.
Brandon got to carry my purse. :)
This is the giant waterfall behind us in the pictures above. Those are people walking around above the green part under the rock.

I asked Brandon to get a shot of me from far away, but it turned out all shaky. That red arrow is pointing at me.

Here's a somewhat cute but slightly blurry picture of us under the waterfall.
Hunter actually slept the whole hike in the sling, but once we got back to the car she was wide awake and ready for a diaper change.

And then she was ready to hit the road.

Adventure to work

I had every intention of going to visit co-workers last Thursday, but I didn't quite make it. My morning was rough and by the time I got downtown I only had a little time before an appt. So I grabbed a quick lunch with Brandon. It was a beautiful day, and with the heat, Hunter was passed out in the stroller the whole time.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Around the house pictures

Dinner party!

Monday night we took Hunter over to Holly's to have a little dinner with her boyfriend Sam and our other friends Tonia and Kevin. Tonia is about 8 months pregnant and her baby let Hunter rest right on top of "it" (they are going to be surprised with the sex of the baby).

Hunter had some fun with her Aunt Holly too, they both basically just made faces at each other.

Visit from Grandma!

Brandon's mom, Dawn, came down from Washington for the weekend to meet Hunter and hang out with us. It was fun having her visit, hopefully my Mom makes it out soon! ;)

While she was here we went out on a little picnic at Champoeg State park.

We took Hunter for a short little hike in the sling...

With the heat she ended up falling asleep after fussing for a bit.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Photo fun time!

Brandon went back to work this week so I have a little time on my hands during the day with Hunter. I thought I'd take the time to do a little photoshoot with her and her cowboy boots that Bethany got her.

This one is my favorite, the boots are a bit big for her still but I think she was digging them...

Here she looks like she's born to be a cowgirl with her hands ready to grab those reins and go...

Here she wanted to lose the boots and go more natural...
She was having fun with the photo shoot, here she even gives me a little bit of a smile...

Here she kind of does a little dance...

And here I think she might be telling me she's done taking pictures...

And here is where I needed to put the camera down and really be done... at least until next time...