Thursday, August 21, 2008

I've been pooped on

It's true. It happened about 10 days ago. I never thought or imagined it would happen to me. You've all heard the poop stories, and I'm sure you thought as I. "That will never be me telling a story similar, I'm too quick, I'm just too smart for the poop" I'm here to tell you that you're wrong.

I'd just come back from a nice work out and figured hey, I'll pitch in a little since I've been gone for a while. I gladly take Hunter from Crystal's arms and skip happily to the changing table. Un-do the diaper and start to clean up, when I see it. The little butt hole opens up and spews forth the remnants you see on me. I scream in horror, as Crystal rushes in, she laughs. I hang my head in shame as I"m told to hang on, cause of course we need pictures of this.

Ya know everyone warns you of the pee. I'm here to warn you of the poop. Don't let my tale go unheeded or this could be you or a loved one you know.


Anonymous said...

Oh the joys of projectile pooping. I remember changing mine on the floor (luckily it's hardwood, not carpet), sitting indian style and he shot the shit out all over my legs and the floor. Even after scrubbing in the shower I felt disgusted.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of parenting. It only gets better. In so many good ways. I think you guys did the right thing in sharing it with all of us. I can not wait to come for a visit.

Love you guys,
