Friday, July 4, 2008

Pool time!!

I got a pool!

We've been talking about it for awhile and even spent a good amount of time at the store staring at them with my Dad having to suffer through our Pro's and Con's of getting one. We finally we decided it was an unneccessary purchase and we didn't really need it. But Brandon ended up getting me one for my birthday! It's 15 feet in diameter and 3 1/2 feet deep. We had some fun setting it up last night and it's still filling up with water today.

Brandon was slaving away pumping up the top ring of the pool with a bike pump.

Then he had a brilliant idea of using the pump we have for a blow up air mattress. That made it go a lot faster.

I had a fun time trying to figure out the filtration system. Hey, at least I read directions... kinda.

Spreading out the wrinkles was a job for Brandon, and I think he did a fabulous job.

It'll be a few days before we can use it because the water needs to heat up a bit, but we'll be putting up pictures of us lounging in it. My belly and aching back can't wait!


Anonymous said...

FAR OUT DUUUUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm totally chillin in that thing next time i'm there. YES.

Anonymous said...

Swanky pool party! I'll bring tiny food on toothpicks,and you guys can find a polyester clad bartender. Brandon has to grow a mustache. And chest hair. Wait.. maybe we should just invite Tom Selleck?