Friday, July 4, 2008

Hunter's Room

We've almost officially finished with Hunter's room. There have been many changes. At first we were just going to go with a carpeted room for her, so initially when re-doing the rest of the house we left her room as is. Then after Crystal read about allergens that can reside in carpet and really looking at the state of the carpet in Hunter's room, we came to two options. One was to have the carpet replaced and the other was to re-do the hardwood floors in there too. I of course just wanted to replace the carpet. But Crystal was insistent on having me slave away and re-do hardwood floors once again. Something about the hard work making me more docile and compliant

After pulling up the padding the carpet, the brand new trim I had put up a few months prior and the tack strips, it was go time. We went and rented the industrial sander again. Took us a long weekend and we finished it up the following week. The stain turned out a little darker than the rest of the house, but I think the floors look pretty good.

After finishing with the floors, we moved the furniture back into the room, painted it a light green color. Our choice of colors was crazy considering Crystal's taste in colors. Here we are putting the first coat of paint on it.

Of course during this re-model of the room, we couldn't help but have some fun. Crystal's so photogenic.

And here almost is the finished product. I still have a little more trim to put up and we both have some organizing to do(which Crystal has taken the initiative on)

Please take note of the beautiful floors : ) The craftsmanship is superb if I do say so myself.

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