Monday, June 16, 2008

Baby shower with friends

Saturday we had a baby shower at our house with our friends. It was more of a gathering than the traditional baby shower, but it was a great time. Thanks to everyone who took the trek to come out to our new house!! The gifts were awesome and the sweet words in the cards made my heart even more squishy! :) We love you all very very much and we're so happy you are so happy for us!! Thank you!

We didn't really get many pictures on our camera so if you got some on yours, do share! We'll be sure to take more this coming weekend at the family baby shower on Sunday.

This is Brad, Tonia, Holly and Sam. Holly got the squirt guns out and her and Brandon had a nice quick attack on one another. Tonia is also expecting this fall, she got me the best gift of nipple cream for sore boobs from breastfeeding. :)

You can tell Brandon's collar is a bit wet on this picture. I love the cheeseball grin.

Teri and Mark came out to put some faces to the names of my friends. It's always lots of laughs with them around. Teri looked fabulous for being so under-the-weather recently.
Manda wasn't being cooperate in taking a picture of her, but you can see Woody in the background with his wonderfully fashionable sunglasses.

Cora is in heaven on Erin's lap.

And since there are no pictures of me and I know my Mom has been wanting to see some more, here is a picture of me in the same outfit I wore Saturday, just a week or so earlier. :)


Anonymous said...

damn. that guy in the yellow glasses is HOT! ;)

it was rad chillin out with you guys!! thanks again for having us all over.

love the photos. thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Just so you know...the nipple cream really does come in handy.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the picture crystal, you are getting bigger and I wish I could be there while you are on you're journey carrying Hunter. You look so happy in all of the pictures you put up and that Brandon is very easy on the eyes. You're little girl has two very amazing parents. I wish you the best and wish I could be there. Hope to see you soon. Now I know who is who from the picures.

Love you guys,
