After almost two months, well, actually longer than that, after a very long long time of putting all our energy into fixing up my old house it is now on the market! This past weekend was brutal, thank you to all that came over and pitched in! Brandon put in the most time and he should be given some sort of award. Hopefully a quick sale so we can pay off all our debt (well, I have most of the debt) with the equity. :) I left on Sunday to come down to sunny California and I'll be here all week for work training. It's nice to get some personal time in, but I miss Brandon and the dogs, most definitely.
Anyways, here are the pictures our realtor took and are up on the listing for the house. I know it may not look like much to some who have never seen the house, but it looks AMAZING to those who have spent any time over there. I had the house for 7 years and definitely did some great updates, but we made some great improvements over the last few months and hopefully that will make it sell quickly in this market.
Thanks again to Mark and Teri for putting a ton of their time into refinishing the hardwood floors, now that's three floors under your belt, when we starting our business? :)
Of course, if anyone knows anyone looking to buy a house in North Portland, let us know! :)
Brandon and Crystal the place looks great. I wish i could have been there to help. I thank all of Brandons relatives that helped it looks awesome.
love you guys,
gosh dang! that house looks so great now. i'd totally put an offer down if it was in SE.
total props kids!
jesus, I haven't been keeping up. The house looks a totally different house. Looks awesome
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