Thursday, March 6, 2008

It's a girl!

We found out on Monday that we are going to have a girl! Of course they do tell you it's not always 100% accurate, but our ultrasound technician seemed quite confident of her assessment. We've decided on Hunter Marie Case for her name. Hunter is of course my last name so she'll have part of me and then Marie is Brandon's grandma's middle name so he'll have part of him too. And his last name too I guess. :)

Here are some ultra sound pictures. We were upset to find out we are having skeletor, but we'll still love her with all our hearts. Just kidding, that's just the black areas in her brain. Flip it over and you have her face... We think...
Here's her little foot and part of her butt. She's going to have giant feet like me!

And here is her profile. I'm hoping that the picture was just shot from a weird angle.


Brad Pierce said...

What a huge brain your baby has!!!

Hunter Marie Case is a fantastic name and a great combination of parts of your names!

See you at the shindig!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on a little girl!! I love the name. Ya know Marie is my middle name and Kalynn's so it is generational. I love this site! Can't wait to get together. Take care. The house looks great.

Love Ya Susan