Thursday, June 30, 2011

Adorable pictures from May


Future drummer?
Never ending drool.

Tongue and ears!

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Stuffed animals

When Hunter was about five months (Dec 2008), and the cold winter days were dragging on, I thought it'd be cute to take pictures of her with the mountains of stuffed animals we got for her.

Naturally, when Leo came along, I had to do the same thing! Funny thing, I think only three of these stuffed animals are his, the others are all Hunters. But don't tell her that, she's not into the whole sharing with her brother most days.

And actually, she did insist on being in the picture too, so that was a good compromise.

Summer gardening

This year our warm weather forgot to come out at it's scheduled time but glad that it finally got the memo. My garden was planted a little late this year, and after the chickens had a feast on my little starter plants, I had to get new plants! These pictures are from the first garden planting, the first week of June.

Hunter is pretty good gardening helper. Kinda.

Cooper and Leo spent the afternoon just hanging out.

We introduced Hunter to water balloons too.

The only down side to the balloons was grabbing the broken water balloon pieces before the chickens went after them. Here is Clarice just waiting for Hunter to pop hers. Silly chickens.

So happy that summer has finally arrived! More pictures of the gardens to come. If I can keep the chickens from eating everything!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mother's Day at the beach

Unfortunately this year on Mother's Day Brandon came down with the sickness that had been going around the family so he was literally in bed all day. I decided to take the kids on a spontaneous trip over to the beach to get out of the house. It's only a little over an hour to Lincoln City, Oregon, so we headed there. I had no idea what the weather was going to be, but we lucked out, it was gorgeous!

Just the right amount of time for someone to take a nice comfy nap. He had to do some stretching before we got out of the car.

Plenty of seagulls to greet us before stepping onto the beach. 

Fun times!


Friday, June 10, 2011

The Magnificent Duo

I am WAY behind on updating the blog and have oodles of awesome photos and fun adventures. For now, I'll share probably one of the better pictures I have of the two kiddos where they are both sitting still long enough to get a good shot. Leo is growing so fast!