Sunday, April 18, 2010

Great weekend

Brandon, Hunter and I went up to Holly's for a potluck on Saturday. I made my best batch of walnut hummus yet, yummy!
Hunter got a chance to play yet another piano, we might have to get her started on lessons soon. :)

Today Hunter and I went for a long walk around Newberg for a few hours. She was in love with this waterfall, of course, anything that has to with water she's all about it.

I finished off my new additional garden beds for herbs and got the blueberry bushes planted in the ground. I got it all fenced in with some help from Brandon.

"Chickens meet the fence". :)

We haven't named the new chicken yet, but she's fit right in with everyone and her and Clarice are best buds.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday

Today was a relaxing day and an evening of fun with the family. Grandma Teri and Gramps got Hunter a new little car for Easter (just another excuse to spoil her) :) She LOVED it!

Then we had a Case family gathering. Hunter got right in and helped Uncle Brian feed Baby Everett.

She was really sweet with Everett, soon enough they'll be running around together.

Uncle Payton and Aunt Erin gave Hunter a few lessons at Aunt Julie's piano. She's a natural. :)

Then we headed out to the barn for some running around with Erin and time with Bo, Julie's horse.

Bo is Hunter's best horse buddy. She gets to see him almost daily and talks about him alot. It's too cute. And he is one beautiful horse.

Here is Gramps riding Bo.

Kalynn riding Bo with Julie walking beside. I like this picture cuz it also shows how beautiful Newberg is in the background even on a gloomy day like today.

Hunter got to ride Bo for the first time!! It was only for a few minutes with Aunt Julie, but she did really well, even was petting him while riding.

A great day with a great family.

Everyday is a fun day with Hunter!