Monday, December 22, 2008

Snow, snow and more snow

We don't usually see much snow in Newberg, but it's coming down this season. The Mini Cooper will help demonstrate the artic blast that has hit us.
This is the Mini Cooper on a normal winter day (well, minus the typical rain we always get)...
This is the Mini two days ago...

This is the Mini Cooper from this morning...

The Mini Cooper may go missing by tomorrow, we'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

R.I.P Moo Cow

We had our first fatality with one of Hunter's toys. I accidently left Moo Cow in the garage (to be washed) alone with the dogs, and his face was eaten off. We think Cora was the culprit, but we will never really know. Moo Cow was one of Hunter's first toys and we're pretty sure he was her favorite.

While you take your moment of silence for him, I'll share with you some of her fond moments with him...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow day!

We got snow!

We worked from home today so we didn't have to drive on the crappy roads and Nanny Teri still came over to watch Hunter. After lunch we took a quick break outside to take Hunter's first pictures in the snow.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

Xmas photo time

We had some fun taking pictures to use for our Xmas photo. Teri had to help us out after we couldn't successfully get Hunter to smile 10 seconds after I hit the timer with the camera on the tripod. :) Thanks for the help Teri!

The one above didn't come through too clear when posting on the blog, but for those that we have addresses for, you'll be getting one in the mail in your xmas card!

We thought we'd also share with you a few of the funny ones too.

Well, that one is just plain cute. The below one is a good action shot.

Hunter decided to strip down towards the end and so we got some really funny ones then. :)

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Underwater coolness!

We have to give mad props to our wonderful friend Manda for the awesome painting she made for Hunter. Here it is hanging in her bedroom.

Thank you Manda, we love it so much!!! And as soon as Hunter understands what a painting is, she's not going to ever stop talking about how much she loves it! :)
The pictures don't do it justice, so if you are ever at our house, you have to visit Hunter's room just to check out the painting. I've added a closer up picture to try and show just how awesome it is. The octopus rocks (the detail of his skin is amazing!), the seahorses are adorable, the jellyfish are spectacular and the clown fish are the coolest (it's Hunter, Brandon and me!).

Thanks again Manda!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Action packed weekend

Friday night we got to go out on a date night for a few hours. We hit up the Newberg Art Walk that happens every first Friday. We just walked around to local shops in the downtown area and tasted some wine and looked at some art. It was fun. Here's a couple blurry but silly pics from then.

We walked back to pick up Hunter and she was as happy as can be chilling out with Ruby. Ruby is Hunter's favorite great grandma and babysitter. Thanks again for being so awesome Ruby! And of course Ted too! :)

Then on Saturday, Teri and I went to see the Nutcracker and the Petite Sweets ballet performance in Portland. Our friends David and Elise's daughter was in the performance. She's the second one from the right in the front row (they were all lining up for pictures). That was an adorable performance with the little kids jumping around on stage, too cute. I can't wait to put Hunter in a tutu and tights. Heh.

We skipped out on Sunday breakfast at Ruby's and went up to see my friend Tonia who just had a baby too. Lina Eve Lee is 5 weeks old, and so tiny compared to Hunter now. Hunter was more interested in her dragon than the baby, but I'm sure that'll change as they both get older. Lina and Tonia were looking great!

Then after that I took Jaleana out to get a Christmas Tree. We got picked from a drawing to get free trees through Big Brother Big Sister. It was cold and wet up on the mountain where we got it, but it was really fun. Jaleana picked out a beautiful tree well over 6 ft tall. Mine was a smaller one, maybe just 5 ft tall. Ruby let us borrow the pickup truck so we didn't have to tie them to the top of my car, that was a lifesaver!

Jaleana up on the trees making sure they were secure enough for the drive. (So much driving!)

I had to take a dork shot of us too. :)
And then tonight when Brandon went to see a movie with Mark, I threw Hunter into her crib with all her stuffed animals! Check out the blog before this one and you can see her chilling in with her toys from an overhead shot. Too fun!! Many of these animals came from my Mom when she came to visit. Thanks Mom! :)

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!

I don't know...

But I think Hunter has enough stuffed animals...

Thursday, December 4, 2008


This picture was from a couple weeks ago, but she LOVES her exer-saucer. You can plop her in that and she goes from toy to toy and entertains herself for a good amount of time. When she starts talking and giggling at her toys it's too stinking cute.

Almost walking at 4 months!!

Well, we probably have a bit of time before she's actually walking, but she certainly holds herself up already in the standing position easily and is putting her feet forward sometimes when getting her to walk.

Baby genius! :)