Sunday, November 30, 2008

Four days off work!

I had a awesome four day weekend, I didn't log into work once! I've been working many nights and weekends since I returned to work (2 months ago!) and it was good to have that break from it. Although, sadness for Brandon, he returns to work tomorrow after almost two months off. Hunter is going to be in the hands of Nanny Teri for awhile. We can't thank Teri enough for taking care of her at our house so we don't have to put her into a daycare facility yet. Two cheers for Teri!!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving over and Brandon's Uncle David's. I didn't get any family pictures, but only got a few, one of Susan holding Hunter.

Susan got to hold Hunter for a long time while she tried to sleep through our crazy laughs. We played a riveting game of Catchphrase. David needs to get some new glasses, he thought cocoon was cocoa. And we realized that Mark and Dell have some telepathetic connections if Mark can guess Night and Day from Something and Nothing. Or something like that. ;)

Erin had to show off some new exercise moves. Teri couldn't get it so she gave up and Brandon gave it a whirl. He was sweating in seconds.

We spent a good amount of time at Ted and Ruby's over the weekend too just hanging out. They are great people to just sit around the table and talk.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. Thanks for being a part of our life! :)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

¡Un el domingo magnífico!

Today was a gorgeous day outside so we took an afternoon walk at the farm. After we had our weekly Sunday breakfast at Ted and Ruby's, which is really the best way to start a Sunday.

This is a shot of one of the lower fields where the wedding festivities will take place next year.

You can see the creek and the bridge behind us. It is so pretty out there even with all the leaves gone. The creek is already starting to get a little current to it. I guess it floods every year. If you look closely you can see Shasta (one of Mark and Teri's dogs) running in the background behind me. She has free run of all the land and is pretty much a really happy dog.

We took Cora (who had fun running with Shasta) with us to get her out of the house and then took the boys (Cooper and Clyde) for walks when we got back home. Brandon was being artsy and captured all of us enjoying the sun. Cora's shadow looks a bit like a blob.

And of course we had to take our self-portrait family shot (which is awkward to do with my big SLR camera). Hunter was riding in the front carrier the whole time, enjoying the scenery.
There are all kinds of mushrooms all over the place out there. Brandon keeps talking about looking them up online to find out which ones are good to eat. In our food, of course...

Hope everyone else had a wonderful Sunday!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Today we caught Hunter's laugh on video. She has really only laughed like this a handful of times. Unfortunately I had to grab the camera quickly from outside and from being cold to coming into warmth it was fogging up. Even with the video being kinda foggy, it certainly doesn't take away from the cuteness of it. (oh, and check out the star wars sheets! you're still jealous!)

The laugh isn't as important as it being Mark's birthday today! (well, maybe a little) He turned the ripe old age of 40 (he wishes!). We got him a Iron Man card and he wore his mask around all night.

But they hung out with us most of the night. Teri made cupcakes and we sat around our house and chatted and put up some pictures. One of them being the long awaited mural done by the awesome Manda Rae! Pictures to follow very soon.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


We picked up one of these new fancy baby gizmo's called a bumbo. At first Hunter wasn't really into, but she doesn't mind it now.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Weekend smiles

Our weekend was a productive one, but this was the only picture taken. Pretty much the cutest thing out of the weekend. I think.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hunter's awesome costumes

The part about baby's that no one tells you is that you totally get to exploit them for your own entertainment. Haloween is one of those holidays when you can totally take advantage of your new little one and have a little family fun. The hardest part of this whole event was choosing which adorable costume to put her in. We had a total of five costumes, three of which were hand me downs, one was an eBay purchase made by Crystal, and the final one was a hand made Princess Leia costume.
The eBay purchase was made probably a month early and ended up being a little big for Hunter. It defintley doesn't detract from the cuteness, in fact it probably adds a little.

The little head kept falling over her eyes and made it look more like the dinosaur costume was eating her as opposed to her actually wearing it.

Although cute defintley doesn't win the award for coolest costume ever. That honor belongs to the Princess Leia costume hand made by Ruby and Teri (thank you both so much!)

I never thought I would be so proud so soon, but this moment almost brought a tear to my eye (well not really)
Here you can see Crystal is happy to see the nerd in Hunter already shining through.
Hunter basking in the glory of being dressed in a Princess Leia costume and being on Star Wars sheets. Who wouldn't smile in that position? And of course feigning surprise at all the bright lights and pictures being taken.

And the final close up.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Grandma Dorrie and Jackie visit!!

My mom and my Aunt Jackie came in for the weekend from Wisconsin. It was a short 3 day trip, but it was so fun to have them out here. They got to see alot of Newberg and surrounding area and hang out with the cutest little baby in Newberg.

Grandma Dorrie!!
Aunt/Grandma (whichever she decides to call her) Jackie!!
Hunter now has a really cool growth chart and a bunch of new stuffed animals and clothes to add to her collection. Once she's starting to play with stuff, she won't ever run out of things to play with, that's for sure.
We had a fun Halloween night while they were here with Mark and Teri, we did some pumpkin carving.
Teri won the coolest pumpkin award with her lovely "shaving" technique.
We also went out to a few resturants and this was the first time in a resturant just hanging out and chilling with us. She's really looking forward to eating some food in a few months (I know I would be, boob milk is probably so boring!).

We had a few really fabulous Halloween costumes on Hunter, but Brandon will fill you in on those...

Bubble blowing!

She's three months old now, wowza!!